terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

Scary, very scary...

fonte: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/michele-bachmanns-holy-war-20110622
"Bachmann says she believes in a limited state, but she was educated in an extremist Christian tradition that rejects the entire notion of a separate, secular legal authority and views earthly law as an instrument for interpreting biblical values. As a legislator, she not only worked to impose a ban on gay marriage, she also endorsed a report that proposed banning anyone who "espoused or supported Shariah law" from immigrating to the U.S. (Bachmann seems so unduly obsessed with Shariah law that, after listening to her frequent pronouncements on the subject, one begins to wonder if her crazed antipathy isn't born of professional jealousy.)"

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

E Coli, evolução ou engenharia?

“E COLI” ?!
“A Escherichia coli (...) é a mais comum e uma das mais antigas bactérias simbiontes do homem (...) O seu habitat natural é o lúmen intestinal dos seres humanos e de outros animais de sangue quente. (...) A E.coli pode ser resistente a um número crescente de antibióticos, mas uma estirpe raramente é-o a mais de dois ou três fármacos.”

(Wikipedia – http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escherichia_coli)

Repete-se, raramente é resistente a mais de dois ou três fármacos.

No entanto, pormenores mais abaixo, esta estirpe agora identificada tem esta novidade:

“According to Germany's Robert Koch Institute, O104 is resistant to more than a dozen antibiotics in eight classes: penicillins; streptomycin; tetracycline; the quinolone nalidixic acid; the sulfa drug combination trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol; three generations of cephalosporins; and the combination drugs amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, piperacillin-sulbactam, and piperacillin-tazobactam.

(The Guardian, 05/06/2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/05/deadly-ecoli-resistance-antibiotic-misuse )

Ou seja, é uma bactéria até agora em relação simbiótica com os humanos ( ler camaradagem), inclusive no que toca a flatulência, na qual tem quota parte!

Com riscos para a saúde nalgumas circunstâncias ( quem viaje para países fora da Europa é avisado para ter cuidado com os vegetais, saladas mal lavadas etc, por este motivo) mas sempre sob controlo.
O que temos perante nós é uma estirpe radicalmente diferente.
“Helge Karch, the director of the RKI's EHEC consulting laboratory at the Münster University Hospital in western Germany, has devoted almost his entire life as a researcher to EHEC bacteria. "But I've never encountered something like this," he says.” ( Reuters, 31/05/2011 http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,765777,00.html )


“Resistant to Antibiotics”

“The health ministry in the northwestern German state of Lower Saxony announced on Tuesday that an 83-year-old woman had died after being infected with E. coli. She was admitted to hospital with bloody diarrhea on May 15 and died on Saturday, the ministry said. Health authorities confirmed that tests had confirmed the woman was infected with the E. coli pathogen.”

(Spiegel Online, 25/05/2011,http://piegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,764656,00.html)
“The cucumbers, believed to have been imported from Spain and contaminated with E.coli, left people ill with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).”

(BBC, 28/05/2011, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13587182 )
Já considerada uma hipótese que resultou apenas em perda de tempo.
Acrescentava-se algum preconceito na coisa, como se pode ler pelo seguinte excerto:
“Moroccan guest workers work long hours in greenhouses for starvation wages -- and under questionable hygienic conditions. Weren't the Spanish suppliers the obvious culprits in the outbreak?”

(Spiegel Online, 31/05/2011, http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,765777-3,00.html )

Claro, os desgraçados dos marroquinos não lavam as mãos depois de obrar e dá nisto. Vá lá terem-se safo de uma acusação de terrorismo islâmico e não se riam porque há teorias para tudo.

Ver neste link com o título sugestivo de “German E-Coli Outbreak Bio-Engineered by al-Qaeda? “

http://bluestarchronicles.com/2011/06/08/german-e-coli-outbreak-bio-engineered-by-al-qaeda/ )
Como nota, abaixo a distribuição de casos ( qualquer idiota percebe logo que são vegetais de Espanha, certo?):


“Earlier on Wednesday, German authorities had said there were growing indications that bean sprouts delivered by an organic farm in Bienenbüttel first identified as a possible source on Sunday may indeed be a cause of the outbreak.

Health officials found two fresh clues that point to the farm near the town of Uelzen in northern Germany, the regional Consumer Protection Ministry of Lower Saxony said.”

( Spiegel, 08/07/2011,http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,767434,00.html)
A escassos 200 quilómetros de Berlim.

Entretanto a dita quinta já emitiu um comunicado ( podem ver o original no site da empresa mas está em alemão... http://www.gaertnerhof.org/ ) :

“We, the Gärtnerhof Bienenbüttel are shocked and concerned by the news of 05.06 that part of our goods have been contaminated by EHEC pathogens. Following the announcement by the authorities, we immediately informed all customers and recalled the product.

We have run the shoot production for 25 years and have always been able to deliver perfect goods. In January 2011, we had sampled routinely on E. coli; the results were negative. In the second half of May, we tested on the basis of the current situation also different shoots. The laboratory results were also negative for E.coli (EHEC-free). Further steps depend on the analysis results from 06.06.”


( foto do site da quinta, ameaçadoras hein?!)
... MAS... quer dizer então que as análises da segunda quinzena de Maio deram negativo quanto à presença da E Coli?

Título: “German E. coli outbreak caused by previously unknown strain”

“The bacteria are relatively unusual in that they produce extended-spectrum β-lactamases — enzymes that render the bacteria resistant to many different antibiotics. (…) In addition to the antibiotic-resistance genes, the bacteria contain a gene for resistance to the mineral tellurite (tellurium dioxide).”

(Revista Nature, 02/06/2011,http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110602/full/news.2011.345.html)
Nos “Comments” podemos ler esta nota:

“According to WHO, the strain of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O104:H4 isolated from cases in the EHEC infection outbreak in Germany is a rare one, seen in humans before but never in an EHEC outbreak. This has been confirmed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Escherichia and Klebsiella, the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark. Therefore, we can assume that the "super-bug-never-seen-before" here reported is in fact an E.coli strain, serotype O104:H4.”
No entanto, parece estar já identificada como uma nova estirpe, geneticamente falando é diferente.
“The United States and Japan have had similar deadly outbreaks linked to sprouts while it was a Chinese laboratory that used DNA sequencing technology to identify this E.coli outbreak as a new and "highly infectious and toxic" strain.”

(Agência Reuters 08/06/2011, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/08/us-ecoli-idUSTRE7511UX20110608)
Para pormenores ler aqui: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/05/deadly-ecoli-resistance-antibiotic-misuse .
Uma linhagem nova, altamente infecciosa e tóxica.
Agora... como é que uma bactéria dá um salto evolutivo desta ordem?
Das duas uma.

A E Coli o fez por si própria resultando num facto assombroso – de um momento para o outro qualquer destas ameaças microscópicas a pode imitar e a espécie humana desaparece num piscar de olhos ( relembra-se que a E Coli se tornou imune a todos os antibióticos que temos).

Ou a E Coli teve ajuda. Entenda-se intervenção humana.
Teorias da conspiração

Porquê Espanha?

“In January this year, we brought you news of US diplomatic concerns over the EU’s reluctance to accept genetically modified organisms (GMO), courtesy of Wikileaks. After that, the story went quiet.

Today, however, comes a reminder that most of the decisions that affect our lives are made by grey men behind closed doors, in secret and with no accountability. A switched-on Spanish Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Mr Raül Romeva i Rueda, asked the following written question: “According to a report published in El Pais on 19 December 2010, cables published by Wikileaks show that Spain asked the United States to put pressure on Brussels to support GMOs…the US and Spanish governments [agreed] to support GMOs and…sided with Monsanto against positions adopted by the Commission…the Spanish Secretary of State for Rural Affairs and Water, Josep Puxeu, asked the US Government to maintain pressure on Brussels to keep the option of agricultural biotechnology open to Member States and asked the US Government to join forces with Spain on this initiative…According to one of the Washington cables…Spain was intending to vote in favour of importing three varieties of transgenic corn at an EU meeting…although it warned that the proposals were unlikely to be approved by the EU.

“[1] What is the Commission's opinion of this Wikileaks cable? [2] Is it true that Spain asked the United States to put pressure on Brussels to support GMOs? [3] If so, does the Commission view it as a matter of concern that the Spanish Government should have placed the interests of biotechnology companies such as Monsanto before Spain's environmental, social and agricultural interests? [4] Does the Commission intend to take any action in response to this matter? [5] Does the Commission intend to change its position on GMOs?”
Demonstrando a fragilidade dos vegetais normais – como, por ex, uma hecatombe económica provocada por uma contaminação da E Coli - não seria extraordinário que os GMOs ( genetically modified organisms) surgissem como invulneráveis a tal problema ?

Um empurrãozinho dado neste sentido terá feito um extraordinário efeito na opinião pública espanhola ( e na mundial), não?

Mais pormenores?
“In the first instance, the US Ambassador to France, unhappy with European Union (EU) reluctance to adopt genetically modified organisms (GMOs), urged the US government to “reinforce our negotiating position with the EU on agricultural biotechnology by publishing a retaliation list”. Moreover, this list should “cause some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility.” The cable bemoans the French government acting in the “common interest” (contained in scornful quotation marks in the cable itself) and avoiding “science-based decisions”. Showing just how closely the US government is allied with the pro-GMO lobby, the cable states “the pro-biotech side in France – including within the farm union – have told us retaliation is the only way to begin to turn this issue in France”. The Ambassador wrings his hands over France’s leading role in the EU’s consideration of GMOs, believing that the French “are in the vanguard of European public opinion in turning back GMO’s”. He derides the precautionary principle and clearly believes that only “science-based decision-making” should hold any sway in the argument over agricultural biotechnology.”

( http://www.anh-europe.org/news/government-and-pharma-interference-revealed-by-wikileaks )

Porquê os Vegetais?
Bem, para além do comércio dos alimento geneticamente modificados per si ser um argumento (“ In 1998, the area planted to transgenic crops worldwide, excluding China was 27.8 M hectares. It is estimated that in 1999, the area planted to transgenic crops could reach up to 44 million hectares or more.” http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/7956708-wikileaks-leaked-state-department-cable-reveals-vatican-philippine-church-concerns-over-economically-exploitative-potentials-of-genetically-modifie ), parece que os vegetais são mesmo o último reduto de um estilo de vida saudável e não utilizável na manipulação de massas. Acresce o potencial físico químico que dispensa os produtos da abastada mas faminta indústria farmacêutica – uma pequena amostra neste artigo http://blog.antinovaordemmundial.com/2009/07/anti-virais-naturais-contra-a-gripe-suina/ .

Curiosamente, ou nem por isso, está em curso a tentativa de proibir da Europa a utilização de medicamentos à base de plantas... http://www.defensemedecinenaturelle.eu/