quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010

A Europa em 2050 - José William Vesentini

Fonte: http://www.geocritica.com.br/Arquivos%20ZIP/EUROPA%20em%202050.zip

"A Europa alargada de 2050 será ainda mais heterogênea que a atual. Ela não mais será basicamente anglo-saxônica, germânica e latina, mas sim em grande parte africana, eslava e turca. Ela não mais será predominantemente cristã e sim em grande parte islâmica. E a liderança da França respaldada pela Alemanha será contrabalançada por um maior poderio do Leste Europeu, da Turquia e, caso entre na UE, da Rússia, acompanhando o deslocamento do eixo econômico (e demográfico) do continente do oeste para leste.

O grande desafio da Europa será compatibilizar essas diferenças culturais. Ela será uma espécie de laboratório do resto do mundo, da necessidade de se construir uma democracia global multiétnica e multicivilizacional. É a região do globo onde há com maior intensidade a tensão entre uma visão ocidental e cristã e uma outra islâmica. É a região onde nasceram as idéias democráticas modernas com seus valores ou princípios – os direitos humanos com sua concepção de indivíduo ou cidadão independentemente da família, estamento ou casta, a liberdade de opinião e de imprensa, a separação entre religião e vida pública, a igualdade de todos perante a lei sem levar em conta o gênero, a orientação sexual, a idade, a religião ou a cor da pele, etc. –, que neste novo século estão sendo colocados em xeque pela convivência no mesmo espaço político de culturas bastante diferentes. Esse é o grande dilema da Europa, hoje e mais ainda em 2050. "
José William Vesentini, 21/9/08

Russian Geopolitical Analyst Konstantin Sivkov : “World War III Has Already Begun”

onte: http://newsjunkiepost.com/2010/03/28/russian-geopolitical-analyst-world-war-iii-has-already-begun/

"This alarming statement sounds outrageous, border line insane and coming from the corner of the New World Orders conspiracy theory folks. However, it is not the case. The man expressing the idea is Konstantin Sivkov, he is Russian and the Vice President of the Academy for Geopolitical Issues. Sivkov thinks that “World War III will start 100 years after WWI (2014) and will take lives of hundreds of millions people worldwide.
Even if Sivkov’s conclusions seem far fetched, at first analysis, the premises for his geopolitical thesis are very compelling. Sivkov believes that planet Earth has experienced a “global crisis of civilization”. According to Sivkov, the crisis was caused by several serious conflicts which have been brewing for decades.
First, conflicts between growth of production/consumption and available resources.
Second, conflicts between poor developing countries and rich industrialized developed countries.
Third, conflicts between nations and transnational elite.
Fourth, conflicts between “spiritless free market” with the power of money and “spiritually rooted” civilizations including Orthodox (Christians) , Muslims, Buddhists and others.
“The analysis of possible solutions of these imbalances and conflicts show that they are of antagonistic nature, and that the crisis cannot be solved without significant infringements of interests of some large geopolitical subjects. This means that participation of military forces is unavoidable. Considering the global nature of the crisis we may assume that military participation will be global as well,” said Sivkov in an interview with Russia’s Svobodnaya Pressa.

In his gloomy assessment, Sivkov forecasts that World War III will be of “coalitional nature”.Countries will form coalitions based on their loyalty to one of the two “models of world order”. The first model is “the world of civilized hierarchies” where a select few “brutally exploit the rest of humanity”. The second model defined by Sivkov is “civilized mutual support or civilized harmony”.

In other words, the war will be waged to define the spiritual basis of the new world order. It will be either based on individualism, selfishness and suppression or based on community, domination of mutual interests to survive and develop and support each other,” says Sivkov.
According to Sivkov, the two coalitions already exist. The first one is the alliance of industrially developed countries represented by Western civilization. The spiritual foundations of this coalition are based on individualism and material possessions generated by the power of money. This coalition military and political core is represented by NATO.
The second coalition involves countries of “Orthodox, Islamic and other civilizations based on the domination of spirituality on materiality”. This coalition is interested in a multipolar world order, but these countries have not realized yet that they have mutual geopolitical interests. Sivkov thinks that the “multipolar coalition” could have, ultimately, the upper hand.
“The countries that are not a part of Western civilization are not ready for military confrontation neither in terms of organization nor technical preparedness. On the other hand, this coalition has an overwhelming majority of people and control over ample natural resources and territories. This greatly increase their chances to win a long war,” says Sivkov.
Sivkov is convinced that WW III is already going on, but is so far at a “relatively peaceful stage” between the two coalitions. But Sivkov believes that “aggressors will not be stopped even with the possibility of death of hundreds of millions people”.

“History shows that the elite of ’selfish’ civilizations do not get stopped by human sacrifices if there is a guarantee they, themselves, will survive in bunkers. The analysis shows that if a new world war is waged, it will touch the majority of the world population. Total demographic losses may exceed several hundred millions of people worldwide. Therefore, all honest people on Earth, including those who form the ’selfish’ coalition, must do everything they can not to allow it to happen. To do this, we have to mitigate with the force of law and other methods, the greed of transnational and national tycoons of the financial sector. We have to stop their ambitious, greedy, shameless and sometime stupid politicians. This can only be done based on broad international collaboration efforts,” concludes Sivkov."

Israelis and Palestinians Killed in the Current Violence

"At least 6,348 Palestinians and 1,072 Israelis have been killed since September 29, 2000.

American news reports repeatedly describe Israeli military attacks against the Palestinian population as “retaliation.” However, when one looks into the chronology of death in this conflict, the reality turns out to be quite different.
Source: The number of Palestinian deaths is almost certainly an underestimate as it does not include the most recent deaths in the West Bank. B'Tselem, The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories reports that 4,908 Palestinians were killed by Israelis and 1,062 Israelis were killed by Palestinians between September 29, 2000 and December 26, 2008. (Visit their statistics page.) The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that at least 1,440 Palestinians were killed during the Israel’s assault on the Gaza strip, between December 27, 2008 and February 5, 2009. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that 5 Israeli soldiers and 4 civilians were killed by Palestinians between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009, and 1 soldier was killed on January 27, 2009."

Noam Chomsky - article "Obama on Israel-Palestine" 24Jan2009

Fonte: http://www.chomsky.info/articles/20090124.htm

"Obama had not one word to say about the settlement and infrastructure developments in the West Bank, and the complex measures to control Palestinian existence, designed to undermine the prospects for a peaceful two-state settlement. His silence is a grim refutation of his oratorical flourishes about how "I will sustain an active commitment to seek two states living side by side in peace and security.
Also unmentioned is Israel's use of US arms in Gaza, in violation not only of international but also US law. Or Washington's shipment of new arms to Israel right at the peak of the US-Israeli attack, surely not unknown to Obama's Middle East advisers. "

"Obama's State Department talk about the Middle East continued with "the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and PakistanÉ the central front in our enduring struggle against terrorism and extremism." A few hours later, US planes attacked a remote village in Afghanistan, intending to kill a Taliban commander. "Village elders, though, told provincial officials there were no Taliban in the area, which they described as a hamlet populated mainly by shepherds. Women and children were among the 22 dead, they said, according to Hamididan Abdul Rahmzai, the head of the provincial council" (LA Times, Jan. 24).

Afghan president Karzai's first message to Obama after he was elected in November was a plea to end the bombing of Afghan civilians, reiterated a few hours before Obama was sworn in. This was considered as significant as Karzai's call for a timetable for departure of US and other foreign forces. The rich and powerful have their "responsibilities." Among them, the New York Times reported, is to "provide security" in southern Afghanistan, where "the insurgency is homegrown and self-sustaining." All familiar. From Pravda in the 1980s, for example."